Oz Campervan Adventure Part 12: Brisbane to Sydney via Blue Mountains National Park

With the NY and birthday festivities over it was time to enter the final leg of our campervan journey and head back to Sydney via the Blue Mountains National Park. Day 62: 3 January 2018 We headed to Cedar Creek Falls just outside of Brisbane looking forward to a fresh air stroll and dip in … More Oz Campervan Adventure Part 12: Brisbane to Sydney via Blue Mountains National Park

Oz Campervan Adventure Part 10: Christmas in Australia

Christmas, that time of year where everyone goes a bit silly, you wrap up warm, drink, eat, sing, see old friends and family and generally be merry. Well, when you are backpacking, halfway around the world from home and in a country where Christmas is in the summer, things feel a bit different. Here is … More Oz Campervan Adventure Part 10: Christmas in Australia

Oz Campervan Adventure Part 9: Cairns to Brisbane

After the Babinda Boulders we started making our way South along the coast towards Brisbane for New Year. Along the way our main objectives were to stop at waterholes and beaches as much as possible to cool off and enjoy a slow pace of life – a vast difference from missioning it through the outback…although … More Oz Campervan Adventure Part 9: Cairns to Brisbane

Oz Campervan Adventure Part 5: Adelaide to Darwin taking in Uluru and King’s Canyon

This was the big one – Adelaide to Darwin. Driving through Australia’s red centre following pretty much one straight road, only detouring to take in the epic Uluru (aka Ayers Rock) and King’s Canyon. In total this would be a 4,000km (2,500 mile) leg of our campervan adventure which may be a long way to … More Oz Campervan Adventure Part 5: Adelaide to Darwin taking in Uluru and King’s Canyon

Oz Campervan Adventure Part 3: Melbourne to Adelaide via The Great Ocean Road, Grampians, Pink Lakes and more

We were very excited about the next leg of our Oz Campervan Adventure taking us from Melbourne to Adelaide as we would be travelling along one of the world’s most scenic coastal drives – the Great Ocean Road. Rugged coastlines, the 12 apostles rock formations, rainforests and, the icing on the cake, the Round The … More Oz Campervan Adventure Part 3: Melbourne to Adelaide via The Great Ocean Road, Grampians, Pink Lakes and more